Walk Through Energy Audits
Measuring the parameters of various systems
Detailed analysis of each system
Suggest measures for reducing the energy bills
Coordinate and execute the implementation of measures.
We offer Energy Review and Audit services to Hotels, Restaurants, Multiplex and F&B Service Outlets.
Our scope of service shall include:
- Analysis of electrical energy and fuel consumption data (for 12 preceding months) and consumption patterns.
- Electrical billing analysis (for 12 preceding months).
- Evaluation of Electrical High side and Low side utilities and find possibilities to improve efficiency in the system.
- Calculate and finding out Energy Performance Index for each property, i.e Energy consumption per sqm per year
- Calculate Energy consumption V/s Occupancy variation of each property.
- Power quality analysis including Harmonics study.
- Evaluation of HVAC system as well as opportunities to reduce energy use in HVAC system. Review temperatures, distribution of airflow & water flow and coefficient of performance of HVAC equipment / sub-systems through discussions with the staff and observations during walk through.
- Calculate IKW/ TR and COP of Chillers/ High side of equipments.
- Calculate water balancing of Primary & Secondary Chilled water pumps.
- Calculate effectiveness of Cooling tower
- Calculate efficiencies of Air handling units
- Calculate Pump efficiencies.
- Review and study water consumption pattern Study the energy consumption pattern of all Kitchen and F & B equipments.
- Study the lights and lighting details of areas.